What is V-FORM packaging?
Exclusively from Progress, V-FORM is the cutting-edge way to manufacture custom rigid format packaging. By scoring a v-shaped groove into heavy weight board, the V-FORM process presents opportunities to fold, glue, shape and construct packaging in new and different ways.
This revolutionary process also delivers a precise level of finish as well as unique customisation options not previously achievable when designing, specifying and making luxury, rigid format packaging.
More form, less fuss.
To make a universal crease point in heavy-weight board, a v-cut channel is scored through the material on one side, this enables it to then be folded to 90 degrees. The v-cut also allows the material to be folded the opposite way back on itself, either to be used to angle the material as a hinge mechanism, for example, or it can be glued on the inside to form a secure and precise 90 degree join.
To make a fold or join on a rigid box using the more traditional ‘paper-over-board’ production technique involves two cover materials glued to the front and back of a board structure, which is sandwiched in-between to allow the crease or join to be made. The V-FORM process transforms this approach as it enables packaging to be made and constructed in a much more refined and reductive way – using less material in the process.