Art Basel stages three annual shows across the world to provide a global platform for galleries and artists to come together and showcase their latest work.

Designed by Gavillet & Cie and manufactured by Progress, these promotional tote bags were handed out to visitors to the show. To create the eye-catching metallic finish, we custom dyed the material which was then flood screen printed gloss silver – using a specialist process that allowed the print to fix effectively to the surface of the canvas.

Woven Art Basel identity labels were sewn onto the outer seam to finish the bags, which were manufactured in our specialist factory in China. Global delivery points included the three Art Basel event cities of Basel, Miami Beach and Hong Kong.

Progress Packaging ArtBasel Tote Bag Textiles Canvas Metalic PVC
Progress Packaging ArtBasel Tote Bag Textiles Custom Dyed Canvas Combination
Progress Packaging ArtBasel Tote Bag Textiles Canvas Art Basel

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